Sertoma Club of Nashville's Mission
Sertoma Club of Nashville's Mission
Sertoma Club is a civic club that focuses on hearing health, hearing loss and hearing education. Serving Nashville TN and surrounding area over 75 years.
To improv​e the quality of life today for those at risk or impacted by hearing loss and/or communication disorders through education and support.

Photos from the 2023 SERTOMA Fantasy Baseball Camp
Special thanks to Pat Clarke for putting this together year after year
Photos from the 2023 SERTOMA Fantasy Baseball Camp
Special thanks to Pat Clarke for putting this together year after year

The Sertoma Club of Nashville was established in 1946. The Club, since forming, continues to provide very meaningful support both in funding and volunteer time to the people of Middle Tennessee. Equally important is that club members develop relationships, business connections, and have fun!
Sertoma Lunch Programs
For over 70 years, regular luncheon meetings have occurred on Tuesdays from 11:45 AM until 1:00 PM for members, guests, and those interested in learning more about our club and our mission.
Each meeting includes a delicious meal and a "speaker" who enlightens our members and guests about community issues. If you would be interested in speaking at a lunch meeting, please contact us at sertomaclub@gmail.com
The meetings are held at the
Millennium Maxwell House Hotel in Nashville.
Please join us and bring a friend.
- No reservations required -

- Improving The Quality Of Life -
- Improving The Quality Of Life -
The Sertoma Club of Nashville initiated the HEAR Nashville 501C3 non-profit organization about 7 years ago. Through the Club's support of HEAR Nashville, more than 1200 low income Middle Tennesseans have received professional audiology services and hearing aid devices.
The financial impact of the HEAR Nashville program equates to approximately $5,000,000
"Lives Have Been Changed"