SERTOMA's Freedom Essay Scholarship contest winners banquet at
Hillwood Country Club, Thursday April 27th, 2023
SERTOMA's Freedom Essay Scholarship contest winners banquet at
Hillwood Country Club, Thursday April 27th, 2023

Photos from the 20223 SERTOMA Fantasy Baseball Camp
Special thanks to Pat Clark for putting this together year after year
Photos from the 20223 SERTOMA Fantasy Baseball Camp
Special thanks to Pat Clark for putting this together year after year


Freedom Essay Scholarship Award
Freedom Essay Scholarship Award
The Sertoma Club of Nashville stands squarely for the preservation of individual freedom and free enterprise. Freedom is our heritage. Sertoma clubs are helping preserve that freedom through Sertomans Freedom Program. Good government and good citizenship are encouraged; mutual tolerance and understanding are furthered through various community activities of the club. Sertomans seek to do their share to maintain the principals of private and free enterprise and to safeguard the democratic way of life. The club meeting provides a forum for discussion of matters of public interest.
To promote critical thinking in our youth about the various legal, moral, and philosophical issues that affect the freedoms that are enjoyed in the United States of America.
When Freedom of Speech was conceived by the authors of the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, voicing an opinion to large numbers of people required resources, credibility, access to a printing press, and distribution. Current technologies such as TikTok, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, and YouTube permit anyone with Internet access to voice opinions to millions of people at minimal cost. Is the First Amendment adequate as written given today’s technology? Should private technology companies rather than the Government be allowed to limit speech, or should they be prohibited from limiting speech?
The Sertoma Club of Nashville will award the top winners of the contest with the following:
•Winner (1) Scholarship in the amount of $3,500.00
•Runners up (3) Scholarships in the amount of $2,000.00 each
The scholarships will be forwarded to the accredited institution of higher learning of the student’s choice when they are accepted and registered, and upon verification by that institution.
A $100.00 cash award will be presented to each school represented by the winners.
All 12th grade high school students (or home school equivalent) in Davidson, Cheatham, Wilson, Robertson, Rutherford, Sumner, and Williamson Counties, who intend to attend an accredited institution of higher learning beginning in 2023, are eligible for this contest. The sons and daughters of Sertoma Club members are not eligible.
1.The essays shall be limited to one (1) page and five-hundred (500) words or less. Papers exceeding these limitations will be declared ineligible.
2.The essay must be typewritten and double-spaced. Please use only one side of 8 ½” x 11” paper with due regard for appearance, grammar, and length.
3.Do not use cover pages. The contestant’s name must be printed in the extreme upper left hand corner and high school name (or home school designation) in extreme upper right corner.
4.The paper must be original and composed by the student.
5.All direct quotations must be referenced appropriately as a footnote.
1.Essays will be judged primarily on the basis of content.
2.Essays submitted by each high school will be judged by a committee comprised of industry professionals.
1.For students, all essays shall be turned in to their respective high school scholarship representative (Principal, Guidance Counselor, etc.) in time for the selected essays to be sent to the Sertoma Club of Nashville as indicated below.
2.The high school scholarship representative shall select three essays that are the most outstanding and forward them by first class mail to the Sertoma Club of Nashville, postmarked no later than March 20, 2023.
Sertoma Club of Nashville
P.O. Box 282486
Nashville, TN 37228
The name of the school must appear on the envelope. Please also include the name address and phone number for the school representative.
3.Scholarship winners will be notified during the week of April 3, 2023.
4.Scholarship winners will read their essays and be presented with their awards at the Sertoma Club awards banquet to be scheduled in late April or early May 2023. The families of the award winners and representatives of the winning high school are invited to attend.
To promote critical thinking in our youth about the various legal, moral, and philosophical issues that affect the freedoms that are enjoyed in the United States of America.
When Freedom of Speech was conceived by the authors of the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, voicing an opinion to large numbers of people required resources, credibility, access to a printing press, and distribution. Current technologies such as TikTok, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, and YouTube permit anyone with Internet access to voice opinions to millions of people at minimal cost. Is the First Amendment adequate as written given today’s technology? Should private technology companies rather than the Government be allowed to limit speech, or should they be prohibited from limiting speech?
The Sertoma Club of Nashville will award the top winners of the contest with the following:
•Winner (1) Scholarship in the amount of $3,500.00
•Runners up (3) Scholarships in the amount of $2,000.00 each
The scholarships will be forwarded to the accredited institution of higher learning of the student’s choice when they are accepted and registered, and upon verification by that institution.
A $100.00 cash award will be presented to each school represented by the winners.
All 12th grade high school students (or home school equivalent) in Davidson, Cheatham, Wilson, Robertson, Rutherford, Sumner, and Williamson Counties, who intend to attend an accredited institution of higher learning beginning in 2023, are eligible for this contest. The sons and daughters of Sertoma Club members are not eligible.
1.The essays shall be limited to one (1) page and five-hundred (500) words or less. Papers exceeding these limitations will be declared ineligible.
2.The essay must be typewritten and double-spaced. Please use only one side of 8 ½” x 11” paper with due regard for appearance, grammar, and length.
3.Do not use cover pages. The contestant’s name must be printed in the extreme upper left hand corner and high school name (or home school designation) in extreme upper right corner.
4.The paper must be original and composed by the student.
5.All direct quotations must be referenced appropriately as a footnote.
1.Essays will be judged primarily on the basis of content.
2.Essays submitted by each high school will be judged by a committee comprised of industry professionals.
1.For students, all essays shall be turned in to their respective high school scholarship representative (Principal, Guidance Counselor, etc.) in time for the selected essays to be sent to the Sertoma Club of Nashville as indicated below.
2.The high school scholarship representative shall select three essays that are the most outstanding and forward them by first class mail to the Sertoma Club of Nashville, postmarked no later than March 20, 2023.
Sertoma Club of Nashville
P.O. Box 282486
Nashville, TN 37228
The name of the school must appear on the envelope. Please also include the name address and phone number for the school representative.
3.Scholarship winners will be notified during the week of April 3, 2023.
4.Scholarship winners will read their essays and be presented with their awards at the Sertoma Club awards banquet to be scheduled in late April or early May 2023. The families of the award winners and representatives of the winning high school are invited to attend.
© 2018 Sertoma Club of Nashville, TN